Friday, May 29, 2009

Thousands' Laugh - a story, a dream, a wish that came true

It was times of eighties where,
The cruelty of a living life came bare,
For a certain race he pretended on care,
Reprisals made on a theme unfair,

He rose not for the people's sake,
He went not for a charge one made,
Thus " war " was his only word,
And sworn he could win whole world,

T'was a country rich he tried to smother,
For the lives made mortal he hardly bother,
But the return uprised with the hardest power,
By the walk of humans to a peaceful bower,

A violent being made not to breathe further,
Nor a country to suffer, once again neither!
For thousands died in the war, we cried,
Turned "thousands laugh"when a single died.

Yumal Chathurange Kuruppu
Grade 11 - E ,
Dharmaraja College, Kandy

Date : 5/29/2009

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good creativity. Superb effort.Wishing you a bright future.